With Halloween only a

few days away, we have been busily planning our Halloween Costume Party. So far we have a total of thirty adults and fifteen to seventeen kids. Now, Nick and I have never thrown a party before. Now with that said, a party of this magnitude is no easy task. But with the help of the Halls, and each person chipping in, it is working out great.
At our party planning session we decided on having a mummy relay, pumpkin bowling, Halloween cherades, and bobbing for apples. We plan to do our trick and treating in the woods by our house, having people stationed throughout the woods with flashlights and having the kids try to find us for candy.
We have decided that we will have different types of appetizers, beer, wine, soda, and juice. I am even going to try to make some Halloween appetizers like edible eyeballs, skeletons, haunted hands, and of course, caramel apples.
I have spent a lot of time letting my creative side run free while making decorations for the house. Now if you plan to have a Halloween party you need bats, mice, goblins, witches, haunted houses, tombstones, ghosts, eyeballs, Halloween trivia, and spiders. I decided that creating several different Halloween murals in the hallway would give the house a more spooky effect. Needless to say I have been busy. The biggest challenge I found was not being able to find black construction paper, so I had to use a black marker which is a painstakingly slow process.
We are also having a costume contest in the following categories for adult and kids: scariest costume, tackiest costume, most original costume, and cutest costume. After brainstorming prizes, and not being able to find trophies, I decided to create my own. They are tombstone trophies.
Nick has been experimenting with a few Halloween screen savers for the computer where goblins jump out at you and we are going to play an old black and white scary movie on the television.
I think it will be a great time and look forward to seeing all the different costumes. Pictures to come later!!