Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Sledding in Hunenberg
Today at 9 am this morning, I decided to bundle Geno, Coretta, and Charlie up to go sledding in the neighborhood. The above collage is of us spending time together in the neighborhood sledding.
Monday, December 27, 2010
The Vatican, Pantheon, and Trevi Fountain
The Vatican experience was really amazing. The idea that it is it's own country with 900 inhabitants is interesting, with those inhabitants being just the cardinals and the Pope intrigued me. Why always 900 inhabitants you may ask? Because the Cardinals can't marry and so when one dies, that one is replaced. This is why the population never increases. One thing that really fascinated me, was all of the private collections of the Popes. One Pope collected marble figurines of animals, another huge marble Roman statues, while another collecting maps around the world as big as the size of the wall. To me, their wealth seemed endless.
One room was dedicated to intricate tapestries of religious themes. These specific tapestries were all hung in a temperature controlled room.
Yet another room was titled the Immaculate Conception. Many people believe that the Immaculate Conception stands for the point in time when the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus, but in reality it is her birthday. In this room there is a shrine to the Virgin Mary. There are murals painted that have her depicted in the middle of the painting with Jesus and God on each side of her. Typically, the Virgin Mary is depicted to the side of Christ. In this room, every Pope has written about the Immaculate Conception in their own native tongue.
Obviously, the Sistine Chapel was amazing. I found the mural of the Last Supper beautiful as well as the Story of the Bible painted on the panels. Symbolism in medieval art is prominent, that you could stare at one for a long period of time just trying to decipher all of the symbols and their meanings. The two main creators that were hired by the Pop himself were Michelangelo and Raphael. Michelangelo, being known for his sculptures and Raphael being known for his painting style and technique.
We also toured three basilicas that were equally important. The first being the Basilica of Saint Peter. In many of these basilicas lies the tombs of Popes and prominent male and female people who fought for and defended Catholicism. It was a pagan country until the Emperor Constantine's vision of the cross while in battle. Rumor has it, that this was when he decided to convert to Catholicism.
Coretta said that visiting the vatican was her favorite memory. She enjoys history and especially art. Our tour guide was always amazed with how attentive she was for her age. This will definitely be a memory she will remember always.
Overall, it is a must see stop if you are traveling in Rome. It is good from a religious standpoint as well as a good look into religious philosophy and history as a study.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas in Rome
While in Rome, we decided to tour the Colloseum. This was a three hour tour that consisted of the tour of the Colloseum, Palentine Hill, and the Trajan Markets. The Colloseum is a sight to behold. It looks so much bigger in person. While in there, we could see the four levels of seating that could house 70,000 inhabitants. These are given out by class status. For the real wealthy, they have the first level where the poor have the fourth level and so on. Although they are seated by class, the one thing that brings these groups together was the shared experience of watching the Gladiators fight each other as well as imported animals from Asia and Africa.
These animals ranged from crocodiles, bears, panthers, and tigers. The set was elaborately put together to create a real natural environment which included bushes, trees, and man-made ponds. The Gladiators themselves were slaves. They worked hard to train for these matches at the Colloseum, partly because if they won and didn't die, they were given their freedom.
Freedom and a substantial amount of money really must have drove their determination. The animals were not fed for the week before the fight to make them more predatory. The animals would then appear out of nowhere from the trapdoors below. They have nets that protect the spectators,but if this doesn't seem to hold, they have Roman soldiers stationed throughout that are ready to shoot the animal. Although this was considered a sport and form of entertainment, both the Gladiator and the animal were used and mistreated. Human Rights Activists and Animal Rights Activists would be in an uproar if this happened today.
Another interesting fact was the explanation of the toilets. The toilets were nothing but cement squares with another square size area carved out of it. The idea of every person relieving themselves essentially into the walking areas seems unsanitary and gross.
Geno seemed to enjoy this tour a lot and was able to keep up throughout the three hour tour with no problems at all. Our group of ten people in the tour really got to know each other....well they all really got to know Geno. Geno always seems shy at first, but when he warms up, his personality shines. In fact one lady asked if she could take his picture. Clearly he was absorbing all of this information, because afterwards he would not stop talking about how they fight monsters at the Colloseum.
We then spent limited time shopping and eating gelato and Roman cuisine. The waiters always seemed to ask Geno if he wanted some whiskey, and Geno would smile and say, "Just apple juice." I believe this is a memory he will remember always.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Grandma Marilyn's Gifts Arrive
Geno was so excited to see all of the super hero gear that Grandma Marilyn sent for him. As he would say, "They are so cool. Awesome!" Thank you Grandma! We love you!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Sledding in Zugerberg Today
Today we decided to head up to Zugerberg, located in Zug, for some sledding. We arrived around 11:00 am and parked the car, and proceeded to make it to the train that takes you to the top of the mountain. This train is reclined, somewhat like a cogwheel train.
Once to the top, Nick and Geno jumped on their wooden sled, while Coretta tried to persuade me to go down the mountain with her. I told her that I would promise to do it the next time, which would give me some time, since it takes at least 20 minutes to get down the mountain. While they did that, I decided to hike in the mountains and take some pictures.
I then proceeded to meet them where they would be, and get on the wooden sled and go down the mountain. The older I get, the less of a risk-taker I become, so this was hard for me. What if I lose control of the sled? What if I fall over the cliff? What if someone bumps into me? How bad will I get hurt? are all questions coming to my mind at this moment.
Once down the hill, I felt a liberating feeling come over me. The smooth gliding of the sled on the snow, the scenery, the quiet. Quickly I experienced what it was like to go fast, out of control, and fend for myself which means I needed to learn quick how to move the sled right, left, and stop. They have several bumps strategically placed on the course with patches of ice around the corners of the road. It's like nascar on ice.
We made our way back to the cogwheel train, that brings us back to the mountain to do it all over again. This time Geno and Nick went down together. Geno, who used to be afraid of sledding last year, has become quite the adventurer. He and Nick were going down the hill, and he is screaming, "Faster! Faster!" At one point, they actually hit the boards of the side of the cliff, and Geno loving every minute of it. Even when he almost fell off he was laughing and having a good time.
Coretta then decided to stay later with Sophia, and Evelina while Nick, Geno, and I went home. What a wonderful experience that has taught me that losing some control can be a good thing.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Geno's 4th Birthday!
Geno's 4th Birthday is on December 22nd, but since we will be on a plane to Rome, we decided to celebrate it a few days early. The day was filled with sledding, eating lasagna and cake, and playing with his presents. He even helped Mommy make his cake. He received a Monster Truck remote control vehicle, a mix and match game, Mr. Potato Head from Toy Story 3, Movie Night Playdough Set, and 6 puzzle books from Coretta. After a bath, he was able to slip into some new flannel pajamas before crawling into his bed. I think Geno enjoyed his day very much. Above is a slide show of pictures taken of the day, and below is actual video of Geno opening his presents. Enjoy!
Coretta's Fifth Grade Christmas Luncheon
The parents and teachers of the fifth grade, 100 students in total, had a Christmas luncheon organized by parent volunteers. The tables were set up with red tablecloths and festive decor, and we served all students a buffet that included hotdogs, chicken strips, salad, Swedish meatballs, chocolate pancakes, pasta, sushi, as well as an array of desserts. The students really enjoyed it and I was happy to help.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Crystal--A Year in Status
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Coretta's First Concert in the Campus Choir for the Opening Ceremonies of the Baarburg Building
At the International School of Zug, they had a wonderful evening that celebrated the new opening of the middle school this year. Students played flutes and violins as guests came in and drank wine and champagne. they then walked downstairs to a beautifully set table of appetizers.
When the concert started, it was filled with drama, choir, and ballet performances by students in the school. It was a great night that featured a lot of talented students.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Coretta Singing Santa Lucia in Swedish
Coretta's voice has really developed this year with some training in the campus choir. It amazes me how beautifully she can sing and her confidence has bloomed. Her choir teacher, Mr. Smith, asked Coretta to sing two solos at one of their private performances for several professional musicians in Switzerland. She is currently the head of the soprano group which has 15 students. the campus choir has a total of 100 students.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Trimming the Christmas Tree
This November, the kids and I decided to trim our tree. I had bought some very pretty hand painted bulbs and a few other ornaments to add to our tree. This year I decided to go with a color scheme: red, white, and gold. Geno never really seemed to grasp the concept, but broke a couple ornaments along the way. Once the tree was trimmed, I took some pictures of the kids, including Charlie. We then ended the evening by sipping hot chocolates and watching the movie Elf. Perfect way to end the night.
Christmas Market in Baar Switzerland
Geno, Nick, and I decided to drive into the village of Baar for their Christmas Market this year. Geno was upset because he thought he was going to see Santa. He was easily assuaged by bratwarts, petting zoos, and the playground in no time. Nick drank gluwein which is a hot wine spiced and spiked with rum or kirsch. I, on the other hand, enjoyed looking at the stalls at this market looking at all of the knitted goods, jewelery, candles, pottery, wooden toys, and ornaments. Always great people watching.
Geno Finally Has a Big Boy Bed
Geno's big bed finally came today. I think I may have been more excited than Geno, who already hates bedtime and anything associated with it. I guess in a way it symbolizes another milestone of my baby boy getting bigger. I decided to go into Steinhausen to see if I could find any reasonable bedding to go with his new bed. Every store I went in wanted roughly 75 CHF for a duvet and pillow. Finally, I lucked out when I stopped at Aldi. I found a blue flannel duvet with space aliens and dogs on it that matched his room, and it only cost 19.99. I also found a matching rug for 30 CHF. I couldn't wait to get it on his bed. I found what we rarely find: A Switzerland deal.
Once home, I de-cluttered some of the things in his room, re-evaluating the amount of toys were of current interest or not, and discarding the latter. Once the duvet and pillow were on the bed and the rugs laid in place, his room was coming together. I now only need to purchase some curtains and some wall decorations, and it will be done.
Tonight was his first night in his big bed and he slept soundly.
Christmas Market in Colmar France
A few of my friends and I decided to travel to Colmar France for the day to take in the Christmas markets and to get into the Christmas spirit. They have several stalls set up where artisans sell their handiworks. To me, this is one of the highlights of the Christmas season. They have Christmas ornaments, toys, sweaters, pyramids, and so many other things.
Christmas Market in Konstanz Germany
This by far has to be one of the best Christmas markets I have ever been to. They are set up all around the train station as well as several more near the lake. Here I bought my first German pyramid. When you light the candles, the manger scene moves on the bottom. I also bought a wooden smoker of Santa which the Germans are also known for. You stick a incense cone into it and the smoke blows through Santa's mouth. Very clever.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Coretta's Campus Choir Concert
Coretta auditioned for the Campus Choir this year, and made it. They travel throughout Switzerland, and their first performance was for the opening of the Baarburg building at the International School of Zug and Lucerne. Below are two videos of the 100 person choir singing for the concert.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Decorating Christmas Cookies 2010
Last night, the kids decorated their Christmas sugar cookies. Geno likes to refer to this activity as "painting cookies." Although he enjoys the painting part, he will not eat a sugar cookie to save his life. Coretta on the other hand, can't get enough of them. Here is a slideshow of their creations and talent.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
November in Cham Switzerland
November in Switzerland has been unseasonably warm. The weather on this particular day was 60 degrees and sunny, and Geno was running around in just a tshirt. It is amazing how mild the winters are here compared to Minnesota. Geno had a great time feeding the ducks and swans and playing with his friend Cameron. Here is a slideshow from the day.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
International School of Zug and Lucern's Annual Trunk and Treat
Trunk or treat is an annual celebration at the International School of Zug. Since Halloween is not really celebrated in Switzerland, the school does a nice job of creating a fun and safe atmosphere for kids to play and go trick or treating. Parents volunteer to give up their time to decorate their trunks up for Halloween and pass out candy. Many people(including adults) dress up for this event which adds to it's appeal.
Geno wasn't quite sure what we were doing when we showed up and he was wearing his Spider Man costume. I gave him his Halloween bag and told him to say "trick or treat" to each car and that they would then give him candy. At first, he just wanted to hold the candy in his hand, in awe that he was getting free candy. He soon warmed up to the idea and was so excited to get a full bag of treats.
International School of Zug and Lucern's 5th Grade Halloween Party
Over Halloween, I had the privilege of volunteering in Coretta's classroom which consisted of facilitating different games for 100 students. Each group of fifth graders would cycle through each fifth grade classroom for twenty minute slots.
I really enjoyed myself getting to meet so many of the wonderful fifth graders. They had activities such as Pin the Mouth on the Pumpkin, Eyeball Race Relays, Mummy Wrapping Contests, and Haunted Story Time.
Other volunteers facilitated arts and crafts such as creating your own bat and popcorn hands. Here is a slide show from Coretta's classroom throughout the day.
Coretta as Kesha
Coretta was invited to a Hollywood themed sleep over and she was told to dress like Kesha. this is what she came up with. Below is a short slideshow of her outfit.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Geno and Mommy's Trip to Jukerfarmart
Geno and I decided to drive about an hour away to take a look at the Jucker Farm outside of Zurich. We have been told that they sell many pumpkins, gourds, squashes, and have a theme where they create statues out of pumpkins for all to see. This years theme was dinosaurs. Throughout the farm, you could see very intricate designs of dinosaurs made out of all sizes of pumpkins and they even had a pumpkin throne you could sit on.
Geno specifically liked the croissants and apple cider as well as playing in the hay maze created. Above is a slideshow of pictures from our day at the farm where I brought home pumpkins and pumpkin beer.
Family Trip to Bescanon France
Besacon France was a great trip. We spent time shopping as well as touring the Citadel where we saw several museums such as the most visited one, The French Resistance Museum. It is here where we saw actual Nazi regime china, original swastikas and stars of david as well as ration cards and several other memorabillia. To date, this was the best exhibit I have seen on the Holocaust and if you have the chance to see it, it is worth the stop.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Come in Star Commander!
Geno latest fixation is on Toy Story movies. He loves all of the characters and can recite the lines word for word. His favorite character is Buzz Light Year who is a space ranger whose catchphrase is "to infinity and beyond." Buzz Light Year is given to a young kid as a present, and the other toys are worried that they will be replaced if the toy is more special. This makes the cowboy toy named Woody nervous and tries to make Buzz Light go away. The other side note is that all of the toys realize they are toys, except for Buzz Light Year who really thinks he is a space ranger.
Geno will walk around the house pretending that he, too, is a superhero like Buzz Light Year. Today I bought him some pajamas with Buzz Light Year and he couldn't wait to get them on. When we were at the store last week, he saw the life size action figure of Buzz Light Year and this has become a great reward to dangle in front of him to be good until his birthday.
School is going well for him at Children's World which is a montessori based preschool in a bilingual environment. He is well liked and has several friends. His teacher has told me that he understands everything said to him in German and it will be just a matter of time until he speaks German as well.
He is still in speech therapy, but the focus has shifted away from speech and more on his fine motor skills. He still has some difficulty in cutting and holding a pencil, but in time that will come around too.
Overall, he is just a well rounded, secure, physical three and a half year old boy.
Coretta's New Haircut
Since Coretta has had the last week off from school, we decided to have a Mom/Daughter Day in Zug. That would include starting our morning at Starbucks, getting her hair done, shopping, and having lunch. Coretta bought a Snoopy t-shirt, a winter hat, and some leather boots. I love being able to have this time alone with my special girl. It can be hard when the weeks get busier and busier, but such a priority. By next year when she is in middle school, I will have to pencil in time to spend with her. I cherish this time more than she realizes. I love you Coretta.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Family Trip to Annecy France
Last week, the family and I went to Annecy France for the weekend. Annecy is supposed to be the "Venice" of France and it did bnot disappoint. It had the same quaintness and charm with the canals and bridges connecting the city together. The first day, was quite rainy, and in genuine Bieter style, no one brough an umbrella. We must have walked around the city for a good five hours and were soak and wet. A little rain wasn't going to get us down or dampen our mood. We spent time down by the lake, shopping, and taking in the architecture and beauty.
That night, we ate at the Novotel Cafe which was located in our hotel and we were pleasantly surprised. Coretta had the pesto penne that was delicious, Geno had his favorite German sausages, and Nick and I had the hamburger served with roasted tomatoes and cheese placed in the middle of what resembled the texture and appearance of a potato pancake. The thai curry chicken soup was good and the kids loved the dessert. While we waited for our food, Geno was able to go out in the lobby and play XBOX 360 with some friends he made at the hotel.The best thing about playing this video game was that the game they were featuring was from Toy Story 3 and featured Geno's new idol, Buzz Light Year.
The next day, we had breakfast in the cafe, and headed back into the old cobblestoned streets of the old town looking for the Chateau we read about. We found the chateau, but sadly they didn't open until 2 pm, so we opted to walk around some more and take pictures.
Although this wasn't the typical type of vacation we take, it was thoroughly enjoyable by all and must needed escape from reality. Below are some photos from our trip.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Coretta's Presentation on Peace and Conflict
Coretta had her fifth grade dinner presentation at school, and we all attended this event. It was called a "dinner party" but they didn't actually serve food. Thank goodness Coretta informed me of this ahead of time, because many families thought that food was going to be served and didn't eat.
Once there, the teachers explained how the fifth graders unit of inquiry this past month was on peace and conflict. There assignment was to find a world leader that falls into that category and write information about them. Thy then created a placemat that highlighted symbols that would represent that leader. It was then the parents job to guess which world leader they had picked. This was an interesting assignment where we saw projects on Theodore Roosevelt, Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Florence Nightingale, and Martin Luther King just to name a few.
Coretta chose to do hers on Martin Luther King. Recently Coretta also had school conferences and her teacher Ms. Graham stated that she is a natural leader. She stated that Coretta works hard in school and is very mature for her age. Coretta is currently the student council representative, in martial arts, campus choir, piano, and guitar. Amazingly enough, she still has time to hang out with friends and doesn't seem overwhelmed.
Keep up the good work Coretta! We are so proud of you!
Geno and Cameron's Play Date
Geno had an early play date with Cameron this morning because Cameron's Mom was going to Paris. Cameron arrived at 6:30 am and they have been going strong ever since. They have been riding bike, playing with cars, play-dough, and watching movies.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Coretta Makes the Campus Choir

It somewhat reminds me of the television show Glee because they sing and dance. The first piece they are working on is Kahuna Matata by the Lion King. She has a small solo part in the beginning of this song and she sings as a soprano. They have rehearsals every Tuesday for two hours after school for the rest of the year. I can't wait to go to her first performance.
Nick turns 37 Years Old

Nick turned 37 years old yesterday, and although he didn't want anything including acknowledgement of the day, he surprised himself in how much fun he actually had. The day before his birthday we had a family celebration, since he had class that night. I made spicy thai food and his favorite, carrot cake.
He strictly stated to me that there was a no present rule, but I can never hold to that rule. Nick opened up his presents which were simple and funny. Coretta bought him a big bag of snickers because he tends to have one a day and has become a running joke at our house. Geno made him a card and a photo frame of him in his costume with the magazine title "Super Dad." Mom then made another magazine cover with Charlie and Coretta which he could hang in his office.
The actual day of his birthday, his good friend Bob took him out for lunch and his other close friends Christian and Dave took him for beer and hamburgers at the pub. We followed this up with watching his favorite movie of all time, American Beauty.
Days like these make turning a year older a little easier. We love you Nick!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Geno and Mommy's Trip to the Open Air Museum in Ballenberg
Geno, Cameron, Brittany, and I decided to have a mountain adventure yesterday and travelled to the Ballenberg Open Air Museum in Hofstetten Switzerland. We left around 10 am and drove approximately on hour through beautiful countryside and mountains. Once there, we paid for our tickets and then decided to take the carriage ride down the path. The boys really enjoyed this a lot.
Once off the carriage, we walked around the grounds stopping to check out the old architecture, animals, pottery, and had the best alpine macaroni I have ever had. The kids enjoyed playing at the park on the grounds as well as seeing goats, donkeys, chickens, bunnies, cows, pigs, and roosters. Geno even jumped in the pig barn and started petting the pigs.
The Open Air Museum has several things for people to see including witnessing what life was like in 1500s to present day. You are able to watch them make handcrafts such as baking, Bobbin-lace making, chip-box making, chocolate production, embroidery, making cheese and many more.
It was a great day surrounded by mountains, friends, and beautiful scenery. Well worth the trip. Here's the link to the site: Ballenberg Museum
Monday, October 4, 2010
Coretta's Hollywood Birthday Sleepover
This past weekend, Coretta had her birthday party with six of her friends. It was a themed party where the guests were asked to dress like their favorite pop star, book character, or fairy tale. Her friends all came dressed in costume and it was quite fun. We had girls dressed up as a film director, Hannah Montanna, Katy Worhal from a book series, Princess Diana, Brittney Spears, and Alice in Alice in Wonderland.
When the guests all arrived, I had them write a persuasive speech telling everyone who they were dressed as and why they should be voted as the best costume. The girls jumped right into their characters and were very creative. Coretta's friend Daisy one the trophy and they seemed to think that was "cool."
We then played Pin the Lips on Miley Cyrus which was also fun. No one was able to place the lips in the right place and were spun 11 times (the age of Coretta). When Geno had his turn, he peeked through the blindfold and put his lips right on her boob. Doesn't surprise me. Thats my son. For better or for worse he seems to have a boob fetish. My question is whether he will grow out of it anytime soon or at all for that matter.
Each guest, including Coretta, and Geno took their turn walking the red carpet and posing for the paparazzi which was fun as well. From these photos I created a magazine covver with their photo from the computer and each girl received a white board/memo board with a photo of them all together at the party.
We then played musical chairs and freeze dance where the winners were given a choice in prizes ranging from books, pop star posters, and candy.
The girls ate pizza and tortellini and had chocolate cake and ice cream for dessert. After dinner they decided to go out side. I made the mistake of saying Have fun "playing outside." Coretta quickly stated that "Mom we don't play, we hang out." Welcome to the start of the never ending teenage years. I can't believe she will be in middle school next year.
They then put their pajamas on and watched the 2004 movie called Sleepover and Nick made popcorn for them to share. The girls tried to stay up as late as they could, but unfortunately the first couple girls started to fall asleep at 10:30 pm with the rest falling asleep at 1:00 am.
Coretta said this was the best birthday yet and surprisingly enough Nick and I had a lot of fun too.
Geno and Mommy's Hike In Engelberg Switzerland
Geno has this week off of school for holiday, so we decided to drive about an hour and a half away and go hiking in Engelberg Titisee. We arrived around noon, took the funicular up, then a cable car, and decided to start with lunch. A nice and big helping of alpine macaroni. For those of you who are not familiar with this Alpine treat, it consists of penne style pasta, cubed potatoes, bacon and cheese served with a side of applesauce.
Once we finished our lunch, Geno and I walked around the Trube See. The funicular to the top of Titisee was closed due to the high winds, so we explored Trube See and were not dissapointed. Geno and I hiked for two hours taking in the scenery and landscape of beautiful mountains, vegetation, and lake.
The winds were the only complaint. From Geno, that is. At first he found it quite funny how the wind would almost knock him over, but close to the end of the hike he was crying and saying "I want Gabriel" who is one of Coretta's friends and his catch phrase for any time he needs comfort.
Geno and I had fun on our mountain adventure. I look forward to the rest of the week and where our travels will take us.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Coretta is Eleven Years Old
Coretta turned 11 yesterday. I still can't believe how old she is. It seems like yesterday that I was giving birth to her at fairview Medical Hospital in Minneapolis, MN. She is a true blessing in my life and I am very lucky to have her. She is funny, witty, compassionate, caring, and lives life to it's fullest.
It is today as every day, I am honored to have the privilege of being her Mom. I love you Coretta and I am so very proud of the young lady you have become.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Game Day

Yesterday was Game Day and the Vikings were playing Detroit. For good luck (as always) Geno put on his number four jersey, and when Bob came over to watch the game, he, too, was wearing the same jersey. It must have given the Vikes some good luck, because they ended up winning their first game of the season!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Nick and Crystal's Day Getaway to Einsiedeln Switzerland
This Friday, Nick decided to take the day off, so we decided to travel to Einsiedeln, Switzerland. The only thing that we knew about this small village is that it had one of the largest Benedictine Monasteries in Europe. We found out that Einsiedeln is part of the Canton of Schwyz. The French revolution had definitely changed the face of Switzerland forever. The old Confederation no longer existed.
In the 17th century, they began reconstruction of the Abbey. The Benedictines attempted to construct the ideal monastery that would be laid out in such a way, that all necessities of life: water, mill, garden, etc. and all occupations could be practiced within it's walls.
The benedictine Monastery has become a place of pilgrimage for many, in part because of the Chapel with the Black Madonna. Many ask what caused her face to be black, and what we found out, was that the soot from the candles, incense and oil lamps had darkened the original color gradually throughout the ages. It is thanks to this, that Einsiedeln has attained its international standing as a pilgrim's place.
This was a quaint and beautiful village where Nick and I enjoyed a peaceful and beautiful day together.
Coretta's Week at Verbier

Coretta just returned from her five day stay in Verbier nestled in the french region of Switzerland near Geneva. They drove there in a double decker bus which took approximately seven hours to get to with a few stops along the way.
The first day, they checked into their rooms, had supper, and became acquainted with their bunk roommates. Coretta stated that the rooms themselves were beautiful and had a great view of the mountains. Each child had their own locker with a key to put their belongings. She bunked with Gabrielle, Rosalee, and Daisy.
The next day, they woke, had breakfast, and made their way to the ropes courses. Here they needed to help getting suited up with all of the gear such as helmets and harnesses in case they fell, and then they were off. They had to climb up quite high, carry wooden 2x4's across a tight rope, go through tunnels, and nets. Coretta said that at times she was scared, but this ended up being the highlight of her trip.
The next day, they went mountain biking in the village and mountains. Each student was fitted for a mountain bike and helmet and they had a blast riding all throughout the area.
The next day was filled with mountain climbing. Each child had to be suited up properly for this as well and had to climb up the mountain as far as they could. Coretta liked this the least because it was hard to get a grip with her feet.
Every day they had a barbecue outside for lunch and a nice buffet dinner at night. Coretta was even able to try traditional cheese fondue. The downside was that her body started to itch, and she felt as though she was having allergic reaction to something she ate. With a little benadryl and a shower, she was able to get rid of this reaction.
The last night, they had a disco which is typical of any field week at her school. She stated that this was by far the best field week ever.
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