For Nick's birthday, I decided to take him out to see the Regina Spektor concert. Grandpa Tom did not hesitate at the chance to watch Coretta, Geno, and Charlie. He really knows how to make this time special by playing board games like Cadoo with Coretta, watching the Incredibles movie, and always sharing an abundance of treats.
While Grandpa and the kids are bonding, Jack (Grandpa's dog), and Charlie have a great time as well by chasing each other throughout the house. This seemed to be a wondrous time, until Jack jumped on Coretta's head while she was sleeping and woke her up. Hopefully Jack didn't get too sick since he leaped on the table and ate a whole piece of German chocolate cake. I guess he wanted to celebrate too!
Here is a precious photo of Grandpa Tom and Geno together! We love you Grandpa!!
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