Accidents do happen and happen all the time when you have kids around the house. This statement has resonated with me a lot more ever since my son has arrived, but when my daughter's head went through our living room window I was stunned. Even more stunned that there were no scratches on her head at all. Keep in mind that we are leaving for Switzerland in roughly ten days and the stress is mounting. If you know any place that does windows, let me know! Here is a picture of the damage.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Just our luck
Accidents do happen and happen all the time when you have kids around the house. This statement has resonated with me a lot more ever since my son has arrived, but when my daughter's head went through our living room window I was stunned. Even more stunned that there were no scratches on her head at all. Keep in mind that we are leaving for Switzerland in roughly ten days and the stress is mounting. If you know any place that does windows, let me know! Here is a picture of the damage.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Rice Street Parade
Yesterday Geno, Coretta, and I ventured out to the Rice Street Parade. We saw horses, clowns, politicians, bagpipes, drummers, and many people throwing out candy, color books, books, and necklaces. They really cater to the kids and the kids come prepared with their bags to collect as much candy as they can. The Rice Street parade never disappoints the spectators, throwing out suckers, tootsie rolls, gum, laffy taffy, jawbreakers, freezies, and even cartons of milk.
Geno even received a tootsie roll pop and thanks to Grandma Earnest knew exactly what to do with it. It couldn't have came at a better time, because he was getting fussy and the parade had barely started.
The people who run the Winter Carnival and the vulcans were out in full support as well. Coretta was even "vulcanized" when they put their infamous letter V on her cheek.
The clowns were definitely my favorite and reminded me of the year that Auntie Sarah was here for the parade. Knowing how afraid she is of clowns, we played a prank on her and scared her half to death when one clown kept following her. I think she has watched one to many horror films with clowns!!
There is really nothing that screams American than a community parade! Here are a couple of pictures from the parade.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Water Carnival 2008
In fifteen days my family will be leaving for our new home in Huenenberg, Switzerland, so last week I went home to Detroit Lakes for a week to spend time with my family. This is always a great time to come home because the Water Carnival is going on and there are a lot of activities to do.
Usually my Mom works on this weekend, but this year she had it off and was able to enjoy these activities as well. Last year I remember that she had to leave early and walk home, work a full shift, and was so tired and felt she missed out on so much. It was nice to see her relaxing and having fun.
Other than a few scattered showers, the weather was perfect. A little humid, but nothing a jump in the pool can't cure! We also met Ryan's parents, Karen and Monte, down at the Chili Cook Off as well. It was great to see them and have them be part of this annual event. I think that they should definitely enter the bean bag toss next year!
Bridgette and I and the girls attended the talent show one night and our kids participated in the water fights as well. This is a nostalgic moment for Bridgette and I because we used to have a team for the Water Fights every year playing for Perkins.
Geno tried corn-on-the cob for the first time and absolutely loved it. He loved it so much that even after we ate the corn and were cleaning up, he snuck into the garbage, grabbed a cob, and hid in Grandma's room to eat more. It was quite funny!
Coretta, Geno, Emilia, and Jack enjoyed the sun, swimming in Grandma and Grandpa Earnest's pool, swinging, riding bike, and doing anything else that adventurous little kids like to do. They were completely inseparable all week and even had a couple of sleepovers at Auntie Bridgette's house.
Thursday Bridgette and I decided to venture out WITHOUT the kids for some sisterly bonding and went down to Zorbaz for the home brew and beer tasting. What we found were several beer distributors set up where you could sample different types of beers and they would tell you a little about each one. My favorite was Blue Moon Honeymoon. The cool thing was with a water carnival button you could sample beers for free from 7 pm until 10 pm. Needless to say it was a blast.
Erin, Ryan, and Nick came up on Friday night. The guys then went shopping for the ingredients for their chili for the competition the next day. Even though this is the second year entering and the second year losing, I have come to the assumption that the DL patrons do not have any taste because where I was sitting and tasting it was clearly the best there. We also were entered into the bean bag toss competition. Nick and I didn't do so well, but it was fun.
The grandchildren had a great time at the Kiddie Parade. They decided to dress up as the Wacky Water Carnival Cousins and created special T-shirts for the day. After the parade, we had a picnic lunch and the kids partook in several activities such as the inflatable water slide, the three legged race, sandcastle building, the potato sack and wheelbarrow races, as well as some inflatable contraption where you try to hit your opponent down gladiator style. Last year Erin and I did this and I won. This year Coretta did this and had a blast doing it!!
Nick and I were even able to sneak off for a walk and a 4 mile bike ride which was nice. I forget how peaceful and beautiful and quiet Detroit Lakes is. I also forgot how you can get anywhere by foot or bike. There really is no reason to have a car since you can get to everything so quickly by foot or bike.
Huenenberg Switzerland is about the same size as Detroit Lakes and I look forward to biking and walking everywhere. My Dad joked that when we do come back that I will want to move to Detroit Lakes.
Everyone seemed to enjoy riding Nick and my bikes while we were home. In fact, it even inspired my Mom to order her own bike online. She ordered the Electra Cruiser named Daisy and can hardly wait for it to come in.
This was a great time that created memories that will last a lifetime. I love you all!!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Sea Shipment to Switzerland
Yesterday we had the movers come and pack up our things that we wanted to take to Switzerland by sea. We filled Geno's room up with everything and kept the kids occupied while they wrapped and boxed our belongings. It is starting to feel more real now. We actually had 1500 pounds of stuff that will be at our new address in 5 weeks.
Our air shipment will be July 31st which will include the computer, printer, piano, kitchen stuff, and our bikes. Here is a photo of the room before the movers came.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Fourth of July
Once we finally get to Duluth, we check into the Holiday Inn and decide to go down to the Thomas Carnival and spend time down in the canal. Coretta went on one ride that was called the tornado which spins you around and around and around. She loved it. It is too bad that one of the teenagers on the ride did not love it as much. She puked orange foamy liquid as the ride came to a stop as everyone around her looked on in horror and disgust. I bet her boyfriend loved that moment.
Another problem for Geno is getting enough sleep and getting enough food. At home, he is used to having his food prepared BEFORE he sits down, so when we have to wait for food, he tends to melt down. It is amazing to watch his transformation from crazy boy to happy boy in a matter of minutes as the food enters his system.
We then ventured down to listen to Martin Zellers, formerly of the Gear Daddies, playing live as we wait for the fireworks to begin. Geno did not make it. He finally fell asleep in the stroller.
Coretta also went on a ride that actually propels you in the air and seems to be a lot like hand gliding. She had to lay with her stomach down as they strapped her into this metal contraption. That was probably her favorite since her dream has always been that she could fly.
The next day, we did some shopping at Fitgers and went to Chris's house where the girls spent time jumping on the trampoline while Geno watched in awe. He definitely has a real soft spot for the girls. Coretta, Brooke, and Ashley had a blast swimming, watching movies, and hiking at Lester.
On the way home, we were all a little tired and a little crabby. It was hard to get much sleep at the hotel because Geno hates the port-a-crib. Needless to say, we made the best of it.
Just as we are approaching the cities, we here this horrible screeching sound. We come to find out that our right back tire had blew (once we smelt rubber) and we needed to try and change lanes on the freeway to find a safe place to fix it. Nick and I, watching too many shows and news reports of people getting killed on the side of the road, were worried about having enough space to change the tire. Nick, being tired, finds the jack and is about to lift the wrong side of the car when I come out and say, "Isn't the flat on the other side of the car?" We both laugh and Nick changes the tire in 90 degree heat without being killed. It was nice to finally be home.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
This summer Coretta has been busy playing in the neighborhood with her friends, riding her bike and scooter, going to the beach and shopping! In fact, the other day, I was completely shocked when she saved not only two weeks worth of allowance, but also her tooth fairy money. Today was the day that she could not save any longer, so I took her shopping after we dropped Dad off at work. Coretta bought two tank tops and a pair of flip flops that she is wearing in the pictures above.
We are also lizard sitting for Coretta's friend Ruby. The lizard's name is Chim Chim and it is a crested gecko. We need to mist him with water every morning and night. He is nocturnal and eats crickets and some other food that smells like baby food. Coretta might want to get a reptile of sorts when we move to Switzerland, so this is great practice. So far so good.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
The Big Move
Today I am busy packing things for our move to Switzerland. All week I really will have no life. Not to say that my life is all that exciting anyways, but even less of one now unless you count filling nail holes and heavy lifting your kind of party.
Yesterday we packed up Coretta's things and she started to cry a little bit. She never likes to throw anything away. Sensitive like her mother, to her, every object has a story and a memory. It can be a constant battle that I tend to not push, until now. We had piles and piles of stuff that we threw away and some things that she wanted to give to her cousin Emilia. We threw out approximately five bags of stuff in her room alone. She laughs now because it is much easier to clean and thinks it is cool because her room echoes now.
For the brief moments I have between naptimes and meals, we try to spend time outside in the yard. Here are some photos of my garden. My little bit of zen this week.
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