Coretta has completed her first session of figure skating lessons. She will start up again February 2nd. The following skills were tested: sit and stand up with skates both on and off the ice, sit and stand up on the ice, march in place, march forward eight steps, march and then glide on two feet, and dip in place. She has learned to do the snowplow stop. Once you pass these requirements, you receive a cool patch that you can attach to clothing.
I had the "cool" idea to try to iron it on Coretta's winter jacket. Needless to say, that was a mistake because it melted the nylon and left a huge burn in her jacket. Mind you this is at 6 a.m. and she needs to wear this jacket to school. After calming Coretta down, I attached some cheeetah girl buttons to cover the spot, and off to school she went.
When she was picked up at school, Nick took her to REI and she was able to pick out a new winter jacket and snowpants. I guess this was a blessing in disguise. Just look at Coretta's face. I think she forgives me.
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